Bisaya is one of the local languages which is widely spoken in Central and Southern Philippines. Overseas Bisoy have always missed this language because of its charm and unboring phrases - lots of jokes and funny story-telling. Bisayan language is probably one of the humorous languages in the world.


I have a  girlfriend and I like her very much because I found she has brains and beauty. Two months ago our relationship was turned on a rocky condition. I believed she was accepting suitors or she was in weighing phase if our relationship would work. So I decided to call it off for a moment just to gauge how strong we were or how we meant for each other. I just waited if she coming back to me but nothing. Finding a way, I bought a diamond ring worth $700 and gave it to her. I could not describe her feeling seeing her reaction - she likes it very much. And now she has stayed with me. Forever?:D

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